Christian Blaze was born on October 5th, 1979 in El Salvador, Central America. He lived his chilhood between San Salvador and Soyapango towns. At the edge of 6 or 7, his family has to move on to Canada as refuggee because the civil war in our country, that takes near 12 years and thounsands of deaths. They arrived to Regina/Saskatchewan, where lived until he had 10 years old. When he´s 10, his family moved again, this time looking for vancouver. Four years later, in 1994, his parents decided it was time to get back to El Salvador. The war was over, so they came to visit thier birth land.
Christian studyied the highschool and college for aome years, until he felts the need to comeback to Canada. In 1999, he arrived in Vancouver BC, Canada, and began studying at Gastown Actors Studio. At 21 he met Crystal, his wife, who is a producer and has joined all Christian proyects since they were parnerts in that school. With only six days to meet each other, Chris decide to ask her for marriage, and six weeks later they went to Las Vegas to make it real.
In 2001, after receiving his 2 year Certificate in Acting, Blaze landed the leading role in “Never”, a debut music video for R&B artist Amanda Perez. In 2002, Christian started his venture into screenwriting, editing, animating & co-producing on several short independent projects. In 2003, he founded his independent film company Crystal Insight New Media Inc. and created the short sci-fi film “SPANK”, (his directorial debut). Then, he produced the "Project Grey", following his SciFi line, that we saw before. After that, and his last, and actually working, project is a Canadian Salvadorian production call "In the eye of a needle", that we could see in 2009.
This is a trailer of Spank, but you can watch the entire short film in this site
By the way, this is the trailer of Project Grey:
Project Grey
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